Showing 169–174 of 174 results

गरुडमहापुराणम् (संस्कृत एवम् हिन्दी अनुवाद) – Garuda Purana: Sanskrit Text and Hindi Translation
Garuda Mahapurana is in the series of Mahapurana. It published with Hindi translation and Introduction.

विश्व पटल पर संस्कृत साहित्य -Sanskrit literature on the world stage:Dr.Deshraj.
Sanskrit Literature on the world stage written by Dr.Deshraj of Kalindi College,Delhi.Book covered full syllabus.

शब्दकल्पद्रुम: The Sabdakalpadruma (An Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Sanskrit Words) (Set of 5 Volumes)
शब्दकल्पद्रुम: The Sabdakalpadruma (An Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Sanskrit Words)
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165.00 150.00
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संस्कृत शोध प्रविधि (Methodology of Research in Sanskrit)
Methodology of research in the Sanskrit language. Written by Dr.Satyanarayan Acharya in Sanskrit.
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500.00 450.00
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संस्कृत साहित्य का अभिनव इतिहास -डॉ.राधावल्लभ त्रिपाठी (Sanskrit Sahitya ka Abhinawa Etihas)
Sanskrit Sahiya ka Abhinava Etihas- Moderrn History of Sanskrit language written in Hindi by famous Author Dr.Radhavallabha Tripathy
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325.00 300.00
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संस्कृतभाषाशास्त्रम् (Sanskrit Linguistics)
संस्कृत भाषा शास्त्रम् पुस्तक नए पाठ्यक्रमानुसार CBCS पद्धति के अनुसार प्रकाशित की गयी है.